(337) 541-0217
Our Mission
It is our sacred duty to gather as a diverse group of individuals, to greet one another as equals, and embrace our individual uniqueness through awareness, understanding, tolerance, and acceptance. We honor the paths to which we are called, respect the divine that dwells in us all, speak and worship without fear, express ourselves freely without prejudice, and accept and love one another.
Our motto is "Nos devoirs sacrés," which translates as "Our sacred duties." Each letter in SACRÉ stands for something we value and hope to manifest in Acadiana. These are the goals and aspirations which ASA's members work toward for the benefit of the community. Spiritual growth and interfaith networking, Awareness of spiritual and religious diversity, Charity drives within the local community, Religious tolerance and collaboration, and Education are "our sacred duties." Our goals include creating a public worship space for all faiths, providing monthly seminars and educational workshops, creating and airing public service announcements, and sponsoring community service projects. We host several events each month which are free and open to the public. ASA also sponsors other events, such as public rituals or ceremonies, social gatherings, and workshops that are not organized by ASA.
Directed and operated by ten elected individuals, the Acadiana Spiritual Association is built upon volunteerism and donations. Having members who go out into the community and volunteer their time is our greatest asset; lots of manpower is required to achieve many of our tasks. Donations by members and non-members have also come in handy. So far, donations have been used to cover legal expenses to become a federally recognized charity organization as well as monetary donations to Arc of Acadiana and Miles Perret Cancer Services. In the future, donations and member dues will be used for deposits and initial costs for events, public service advertisements, our own out-reach programs, and many other endeavors.
Sacrés Model:
- Spritual Growth
ASA encourages constant reflection on and attainment of spiritual growth. Though the organization is primarily for individuals of a non-mainstream faith, all individuals who wish to expand their understanding of minority faiths and/or allow religious diversity to serve as a catalyst to their spiritual practices are invited to join.
- Streamlining the process of ordination for unaffiliated clergy
- Social Dynamics classes for perspective clergy
- Creating a "Suggested reading list" of accredited sources submitted by members
- Primary Sources in Daily Practice Workshop
- Craft specific workshops: Feng Shui, Reiki, Crystals, etc
- List of churches, temples, covens, lodges, and other religious organizations for members to explore different faiths
- Awareness and Activism
ASA seeks to contribute to the community at large by increasing the quality of life for all of Acadiana's members. ASA will host and participate in social justice programs and celebrate the religious diversity of our area. It attempts to manifest tolerance, awareness, and equality within the community.
- Support community action groups
- Educate the public through volunteerism and charity
- Issue public service announcements
- Community
ASA seeks to strengthen community networking between local small spiritual groups, particularly those of native, pagan, new age, and eastern spiritualities. It is our goal that the organization serve as a venue for finding and befriending spiritually open-minded individuals. By creating a network of local spiritual minorities, we hope to give all participants spiritual and social support. Through activism, advocacy, and awareness, this network also builds positive relationships between non-mainstream and Judeo-Christian communities.
- Spiritual Spring Fling annual picnic
- Spring Environmental Cleanup
- Summer Social Gala & Charity Event
- Fall cemetery cleanup
- Winter food drives
- Winter Solstice Getaway Trip to Poverty Point
- Hospital ministries
- Religious Tolerance
ASA strives to establish a greater tolerance for all religions in Acadiana. Any person, regardless of faith (or the lack thereof) has a right to practice (or not to practice) a religion. No individual should suffer undo tragedy on the sole basis or absence of religious affiliations. ASA facilitates religious tolerance within the non-maintsteam religious communities and within the rest of Acadiana by raising awareness of religious diversity via social events and education and advocating for religious rights.
- Public community expo on various religions and practices
- Promote personal worth, dignity, and respect regardless of beliefs
- Embrace our differences and learn together
- Democratic organization where every point of view is considered
- Honor the will of the majority so long as it does not infringe upon the rights and opinions of the minority
- Education
ASA will attempt to educate its members on various aspects of different traditions, magical systems, and religious philosophies through workshops, symposiums, member and guest presentations, and other mediums, many of which are open to the public. ASA will also attempt to educate members of the public on native, pagan, new age, and eastern traditions to promote religious tolerance and awareness.
- Monthly Sharing Circle
- Monthly Tarot Study Group
- Workshops throughout the year
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