(337) 541-0217
Many people, Many traditions, One Community
The Acadiana Spiritual Association (ASA) is a group of individuals who practice alternative spiritualities which ascribe to common values and goals for the betterment of themselves and their local religious, social, political, familial, and work communities. Acadiana Spiritual Association defines alternative spirituality as inclusive of reconstruction of classical polytheistic religions, neo-pagan paths, new age movements, magical systems, syncretic religions, eastern philosophies, and indigenous or tribal traditions. The Acadiana Spiritual Association embraces and celebrates diversity and inclusiveness of all minority faiths within the Acadiana community; we endeavor to raise awareness of Acadiana's diverse spiritual beliefs.
Acadiana Spiritual Association is a non-profit multireligious organization which conducts workshops, seminars, and charity events. ASA hosts Sharing Circle, D.I.V.E.R.S.I.T.Y. Night Social, the Brew Review, and Triviae Theologia. Along with reoccurring events, such as quarterly workshops, yearly retreats, and an annual picnic, we also have several community service projects, such as an annual fundraiser benefitting cancer victims and an annual cemetery clean-up day. We also travel to attend regional spiritual conventions. One day we hope to host a multi-religious spiritual convention in Lafayette, Louisiana as well as expand our community service projects. We build community through shared experiences and positive social interactions.
More Council Member Profiles to Come.
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